Research Reflection

These past weeks I have done three parts of my lining  Journey called finding out sorting out and going further.


I found a lot  info which includes three primary Scorsese and and a fair  phew web sites. A lot of things where a Chang including my  research and my my concentration. I don’t really think need to know anymore.


In my sorted out the thing that was challenged by was my  organisation.  Went well was I finished all of  my sort it out and I put in all one place and I also went straight onto the next task.


Going further was probably the hardest part out of all three of my lining  Journey.  But if I’m being what was the wheel is probably my last  I did inquiry  called the (future of our planet global warming)  it was very hard to find the information.  Think that was a challenge was finding the information as I said before and  figuring out which one I should go deeper in.

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